Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mountain States Renegades Hockey: A Little History...

On the pond where it all began with some of the original Renegades
Mountain States Youth Hockey as we know it today was born on a pond out behind a home in Northern Colorado. At that time, Pond Hockey was a simple gathering of sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers and maybe a dog or two on a frozen pond with hockey sticks, pucks and skates and the desire to have fun playing hockey. Leave behind the issues that burden most organizations that involve kids and sports. Just play for fun and experience what makes hockey such a great sport. From those mornings and afternoons on the pond came a Spring/Summer Select Program in 2001-2002. The goal at that time was to provide the players with a competitive hockey experience at times when the typical hockey season in Northern Colorado took a break. During these breaks, kids still wanted to play, coaches still wanted to coach and the parents hoped someone would make it happen. Over the years our teams played in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Iowa, New Mexico, Texas and Canada. Along the way and through our travels, we established relationships with hockey programs, coaches, parents and players that were interested in Renegades Hockey. Many joined the program and participated on our teams during the Spring/Summer Select seasons. Parents and players experienced a new level of hockey. The players were able to take their game to the next level. More and more people requested that we offer the program throughout the entire year. Mountain States Youth Hockey Association became a reality. The Renegades Selects Program continues to operate throughout the Spring and Summer by offering camps and travel tournaments.

In Salt Lake City, UT in the first season as an Independant.
In the fall of 2004, Mountain States Youth Hockey Association became recognized by USA HOCKEY and CAHA as an Independent Association, allowing us to compete in USA HOCKEY sanctioned events. In January 2005, we received complete Organizational Status. On June 30, 2005, Mountain States Youth Hockey was approved to play in the CDYHL. Our winter seasons had teams playing primarily in Colorado for CCYHL (Tier II or AA) and the CDYHL (Levels A & B) league play with the possibility of an occasional tournament outside the state.

Throughout this time the Renegades have won a five state championships since the 2006-2007 season. This kind of success has never been achieved by any organization in Northern Colorado since organized youth hockey has been in existence, let alone in four seasons. The Renegades offer an out standing alternative for developing youth hockey players. In the 2010-2011 season alone, the Renegades have twelve alumni playing at the Tier I (AAA) Level playing in the State of Colorado and one playing college hockey.

The fifth CAHA State Championship Banner. Next stop Nationals!
For the 2010-2011 season, the Mountain States Renegades have chosen to play as an independent organization once again. The Renegades look to continue the success from the 2009-2010 season in which we had our first team advance to Nationals. The Bantam AA team won our fifth state title and advanced to Nationals. The Renegades will continue to play at the Tier I/AA level as sanctioned by USA Hockey and CAHA as well as at other skill appropriate levels. We will continue to develop a hockey experience that is like no other in the Rocky Mountain Region. Our organization generally operates our youth hockey program from September/October through March/April. The Select teams run by Tim Knox and Roger Gill usually play some tournaments from April through July.

Informational Video from a few years back:

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